Process of cutting the red ribbon during the grand opening of the new shopping center mall building, opening of exhibition, close up view of red ribbon with people around


Becoming a Freight Forwarder is challenging. Thankfully, LOGCON is here to help guide you through all the red tape and requirements to become a Freight Forwarder. Between setting up accounts, registering with the various agencies, picking a proper operating system, or understanding the various requirements, things can get lost in the fray. LOGCON brings the expertise to help guide and assist you throughout your startup process so that you can hit the ground running. LOGCON can provide training for your new staff and even help create standard operating procedures, company manuals and much more.


If you are an established Freight Forwarder, LOGCON can help you as well! Our extensive experience in the Freight Forwarding field allows us to review your processes and procedures that you currently have in place. This will allow us to evaluate every aspect of your company and how you handle logistics activities including quoting processes, operational procedures, and accounting functions. We will look at how you manage your vendors, communication lines within the company, company interface and management structure. We can also review your sales structure, training and much more. This will help us help you realize cost savings as well as providing a road map to increase your team’s efficiency.